
What defines strength? (with reference to my husband)

    I am 8 months pregnant. I am married for a year and 6 months. I had so many apprehensions concerning marriage. Perhaps due to   my overthinking or my consistent exposure to certain texts in literature or my independent ideologies made me think   all sort of negatives about having a husband. To name a   few, the husband figure will be dominating, he would be judgmental and curb my freedom, like he will always confront me for my choices and   confine my flow of thoughts and lot more. I have imagined all the horrible things, like what if I hate him after being married, what if he hates me after living with me for few years or months or days. I used to rant and rave to my friends about what guarantees joy in marriage, what surety promises us for longevity   in marriage and lot more skeptical things. I will imagine the worst for every possible thing. I wasn’t ready for marriage. I don’t exactly know the cause of my fear but it will spiral up in humungous forms and it will induce a l


  I am not really   fond of gaudy ornaments. I will always prefer to keep it simple. I don’t like shiny embellishments, I firmly believe it will go against my dusky complexion. We weren’t allowed to wear bangles or gaudy earrings at   school and hence when I wear any of these post my schooling, I would feel uneasy. This doesn’t necessarily mean I despise those, sometimes I am fond of earrings (jhumukas, long colorful ones). I cant wear it for long though. My indulgence in buying those fancy earrings are on the rise these days. I have consciously decided to stop myself from these frivolities. My recent favourite is the one, my friends gifted me for my wedding, a beautiful gold jhumuka. They dangle and sway as I move. It is heavy that I have to remove it every single time when I lie down.   Maybe due to the pregnancy hype for bangles,   I wanted to wear simple yet elegant gold bangle. The one my parents gave me during my marriage wasn’t my choice. I did not bother much because I was

How do we measure someone’s kindness?

  How do we measure someone’s kindness? Here  are three incidents involving people whose faces I don’t remember.  Even if  I met them again by chance, I am unsure if I would recognize them, yet their presence in my life is remarkably significant.  THE ONE WITH THE BIKE ACCIDENT  When I was a student at Presidency college, I used to take either 27H or 40A to reach Annasquare, via Triplicane bookshop lane. Everytime I go across that area, the city dwellers on either side of the road will be proceeding with their routine. Around  7.30am, the bus will cross the lane, I wouldn’t have had breakfast, the smell of dried fish will make  me unpleasant, I will be stern and will not turn on either side, wait for the bus to pass that area.  One day, after paying PhD enrolment  fees at Madras University, I rode back to my home crossing that lane, there was a lorry in some distance and strangely a hanging wire fell from the post on a moving loaded lorry, I stopped my bike as the lorry moved forward,


  Arubaito! This is more of a personal Blog.    I love the concept of Arubaito. I was acquainted with this word, when I pursued Japanese language and sensei (teacher) told us, the Japanese culture encourages every student to pursue part time job to be better at managing finances and become self-sufficient. Post Schooling, I chose literature as my vocation and I am happy about the choice.   I decided to manage my own expenses post schooling and support myself and my family in the little ways I could.    I made use of every opportunity that came my way, if it concerns my passion, I would hop on. Now on retrospection, I feel humbled and thrilled because of the vivid exposure I had. From 2013 , almost for a year in my first year of UG, I worked as a tutor for school students at Orange Kids for two hours on week days. I came across this job, on a day when me and my friend Thenmozhli, were loitering after  missing the College bus.   This was my first job, the first time, I earned. After

Are we really aware that our lives are fragile?

                        How does each of our stories end? Is there a pattern to it? When does it end? Why does it end? Will the end make any sense to the process?   The purpose of life is obscure. Like the lives depicted in art and literature, it is not complete. It doesn’t have a proper plot.  No concrete beginning nor middle nor end. We think of life as never ending one. It just goes on. Perhaps it does. The survivor faces the void post the dear one’s demise. Death is a curse for those who live henceforth. If there be no purpose of life, what motivates us to perform our duties to the best of our abilities and pursue our endeavors with all our mettle. The way life works is unpredictable and incomprehensible. May be there should be a rationale to it, just that human mind is unable to wrap its head around. There should be a reason for how things works in here. Are we really aware that our lives are fragile? It could have easily been any other day, yet another errand. A perso

A Letter Yet to be Delivered.

  A letter to my mother . 30/04/2022. Amma, I am married. I am sure you should be happy. A guy who took education very seriously and an Anna University Grad, who fought his way up and brought a change to his life. I am sure you will like him and boast about his achievements or whatever.   I am glad for this very reason that I found him. It is six years ma. As each year pass, I am scared if you are moving distant, time is fleeting. Every other day, I will want to ring you up and say, ma I made this today, I reached college, I am unwell, I missed my date and every other intricate detail. I posted a random pic today and Madhan told me that I look beautiful like you. It was overwhelming ma. I don’t like to carry symbols of marriage, I hate to comb my hair nor to put efforts to present myself in the way the society wants. But if I am to depict you, I will do that. No qualms. Amma, I am confident and assertive, I know what I want. But on the flip, I am trembling with fear. I am so

Enticing Movies

  Everything I learned I learned from the  movies.  Audrey Hepburn Movies open gates to the unknown, unexplored gripping worlds. It feeds your thought. Let's make this quarantine more fascinating. Here are some personal choices. If you have already watched it, share your views. Else check it out. 1. Are you feeling down?  Set your perception right. Here are real feel good ones. THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS 2016 American film directed by Gabriele Muccino. An adaptation of Chris Gardner's book of the same name. What it takes to achieve your dream? Obstacles are real hurdles or the stepping Stones? For all those happy blamers, this would be a real tight slap. Where there is a will there is a way. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL 1979 Italian film directed and enacted by Roberto Benigini. Academy award winning film. This one is a real gem. Sings of hope and love in a state of despair and horror. Father uses humor to represent the harsh realities of war to his son. Life is all about th