What defines strength? (with reference to my husband)
I am 8 months pregnant. I am married for a year and 6 months. I had so many apprehensions concerning marriage. Perhaps due to my overthinking or my consistent exposure to certain texts in literature or my independent ideologies made me think all sort of negatives about having a husband. To name a few, the husband figure will be dominating, he would be judgmental and curb my freedom, like he will always confront me for my choices and confine my flow of thoughts and lot more. I have imagined all the horrible things, like what if I hate him after being married, what if he hates me after living with me for few years or months or days. I used to rant and rave to my friends about what guarantees joy in marriage, what surety promises us for longevity in marriage and lot more skeptical things. I will imagine the worst for every possible thing. I wasn’t ready for marriage. I don’t exactly know the cause of my fear but it will spiral up in humu...